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- Future Police Body Cameras will Livestream and Recognize Your Face
- Ford Unveils Brand New 3D Printer that can make Car Parts
- World’s first VR Smartphone showcased at China technology Fair
- Robots could replace Hundreds of Thousands of Public Sector Jobs in the UK
- The Big Stock houses are replacing Warm Bodies with Artificial Intelligence
- Smartphones are helping to Revolutionize Medicine
- Top 6 Futuristic Clothes you can wear right now
- 5 Amazing Futuristic Vehicles
- Virtual Reality is going to become a Surveillance Universe
- The Future of the NFL combine : How VR and other new Tech can change Scouting
- 8 Amazing Future Inventions that will change the World in 2017 to 2070
- Sony’s Future Technology will Blow you Away
- The Future of Gaming : New VR Suit adds Vibration for more Realistic Gameplay
- SpaceX will send 2 people on a Trip around the Moon next Year
- 8 Futuristic Restaurant Technologies actually available Today
- The Future of Battery Technology
- Robotic Food Delivery is rolling out in the United States
- This Futuristic Metamaterial could change Architecture Forever
- Here are the Top Eleven Futuristic Transportation Innovations in 2017
- These Seven new Earth Sized Alien Worlds Discovered could help explain how Planets form
- Apple Will Open Its New ‘Spaceship’ Campus In April
- Researchers have Found a Way to Delay Aging
- Puppy’s life is saved by Futuristic Bionic Feet
- Can We Expect iGlass- Augmented Reality Glasses from Apple This Summer?
- Elon Musk Wants Humans To Embrace Cybernetic Borg Implants Or Face Unstoppable AI Takeover
- Why IOT Tech will help Smart Cities Make Better Decisions
- Amazon’s AI receives an update that lets it Guess your Age
- Scientists Grow Full-Sized, Beating Human Hearts From Stem Cells
- The Internet and your Brain are more alike than you Think
- How ‘Creative AI’ can change the Future of Music for Everyone
- New VR Cabinet will let you Smell and touch a Virtual World
- The Self Sufficient Toilet could be on its way Powered by Urine
- Virtual Reality comes to Emporor Nero’s Golden Palace in Rome
- NASA Engineer joins Uber to Develop Flying Cars
- Physicists Confirm There’s a Second Layer of Information Hidden in Our DNA
- March of Technology: High paying Middle Class Jobs to become Automated
- Brain-Computer Interface allows completely locked-in People to Communicate
- Airlines, Airports tap Technology to Pre-empt the Future
- Meet Gita, the Personal Autonomous Delivery Robot of the Future
- 13 Future Technology trends that will Shape Business and Society
- These 4 Brand-New Tech Gadgets Are About to Change Your Life
- Meet the contenders for the World’s first Flying Car
- Technology + Human Touch = A New Way of Creating Music
- New Kissenger Gadget lets you Smooch through your Phone Screen
- Testing the Faraday Future the Fastest Accelerating Production Vehicle to hit the Roads
- Airbusbus At Work on a Self Driving Airborne Taxi
- Top 5 Amazing Technology Gadgets, you must see in 2017
- Expedia Reads your Mind using the Latest Technology
- The Doctor’s Office of the Future
- Robot Cars to Descend on 10 Sites U.S. Names as Proving Grounds
- 5 Futuristic Technologies that will transform Retail Forever
- Blimps or Airships are the Future of Freight Transport
- Google AI invented its own language & Nobody Told it To!
- The new Toyota Concept-i could be the Car of the Future
- CES 2017 : Faraday Future unveils Super fast Electric Car
- Here are 10 new Tech Gadgets that will Surprise You
- New Future Smart Bed Technology will help stop Snoring so everyone gets a Better Sleep
- How Virtual Technology is evolving into more Mainstream Industries in 2017
- New Technology allows Cars to Communicate and helps improve Road Safety
- How Technology is changing how we Monitor our Health
- Scientists reverse ageing in Mammals and predict Human Trials within 10 years
- Terminator Writer Sounds Alarm on Artificial Intelligence
- IBM and Rice University Create Watson-Powered Robot to Improve Eldercare
- Why Amazon Go is being called the next Big Job Killer
- Living with Robots
- Meet the Robots that will help us win the Wars of the Future
- See what its like inside a Virtual Reality Headset
- New Amazing Technology Gadgets coming in 2017
- New Future Technologies coming into our Kitchens
- Five amazing Future Technologies coming in 2017
- New Technology : Enables Drones Recharge while Airborne
- How the Chinese are keeping up with the latest Developments in Technology
- Futuristic Gadget : 3D Virtual Mobile Theater with Giant Curved Screen
- Feetz the Future of Shoe development Technology
- Self-Charging Battery could Power your Entire Home
- New Smart Shirt Prevents Bad Posture Pain
- China unveils Freakishly Human-like Robot that understands Speech & can read Facial Expressions
- Top 5 New Future Technology & Inventions 2016 | 2020
- Microsoft HoloLens Review, Mind Blowing Augmented Reality!
- Smart Writing Set, the Latest way to Curate & Share your Content
- New Virtual Mobile Keyboard Technology
- Google Home Demonstration & the Future Home
- Simulation Technology Helps to Map out Visions of the Future
- How Emerging Technologies could shape our Future Daily Lives
- Draw In Mid-Air with this Future Technology
- Motorcycle of the Future is Helmet Free
- Internet of things & the Future of Living from Panasonic
- See Mark Zuckerberg’s view of the the Future of Virtual Reality & Oculus
- Japanese Company wants to Build a Space Elevator by 2050
- IBM’s CEO on the Future of Technology
- Top 5 Technological Advances & Future Inventions
- Here is the School Of The Future
- How Microsoft wants to ‘Cure Cancer’ using Computer Science
- 3D Printed Oscillation Dress Debuts at NY Fashion Week
- Volunteers Emerge after spending a year in a Sealed Dome as part of a Simulated Mars Mission
- Meet Pepper the Inflight Service Bot of the Future
- Watch the First ever Movie Trailer Made by Artificial Intelligence
- Will Meatless Meat be the Future of Food?
- The Future of Luggage, A Suitcase that follows you Around
- Autonomous Airbus Drones could be Flying us to work by 2027
- World’s First Autonomous Soft Robot is Powered by nothing but Compressed Gas
- Non-Invasive Brain-Machine Interface controls Exoskeleton with the Power of ‘Thought’
- Top 5 New Technology Inventions 2016 you Need to See!
- How Future Technology will help us Humans with living in Space
- Here is the Future of Aircraft Technology from NASA
- How Technology is helping a Casino Catch the Cheats
- Driverless Racing Car Speeds around Racetrack
- Man Cycling around the UK in Virtual Reality using Google Street View
- Meet Muzo. A Premium and Intelligent acoustic Device that creates your Personal Zone of Silence.
- Norway could Build the World’s First Floating Tunnel
- Robot employed in Rio Olympics TV Coverage
- Inside a 3D Printing Restaurant
- Funeral Home that uses 3D Printing to Reconstruct Faces
- This Small Rectangular Device uses Sunlight to Disinfect Water within Minutes
- World’s Largest Aircraft Completes its first Flight
- Scientists think Cockroach Milk could be the Super food of the Future
- Futuristic Elevated Bus Hits the Road in China
- Facebook’s Giant Internet-Beaming Drone Finally Takes Flight
- Mercedes-Benz unveils Self-Driving Bus
- Here is the world’s First Entirely 360 Degree TV Episode
- An Introduction to Pokémon GO, the new amazing Gaming Craze
- The Apartment of the Future with Robotic Furniture
- Vancouver Robot creator explores human connection to Future Technology
- The Future of NASA’s Aircraft Technology
- Why the Amazon Echo is the Future of Tech
- The Future of Fashion : 10 Wearable Tech Brands you need to Know
- An introduction to Formula E, the Future of Motor Racing
- Hyperloop One is taking its crazy Transport System Underwater
- Typhoon H PRO the Drone with Intel RealSense Technology
- Elon Musk’s new company is developing Robots to do your Housework
- Pepper the Hospitality Robot at your Service
- Bendable Smartphone that turns into a Wearable Device
- Greece First to Launch Driver-less Bus Service
- New Weird, Water-oozing material could help quench Thirst
- Augmented Future – Open Bionics
- This Medical Robot, once swallowed, will help remove Objects from your Stomach
- 10 Technologies shaping the Future of Solar Power
- RoBoHon is a Smartphone that Walks & Talks… Seriously.
- Bionic Leaf Converts Sunlight and Water into Fuel
- Scientists are using VR to explore a Hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the Ocean
- 5 New Technology for Future 2020 Ready to Buy 2016
- This future Technology could help us Cure Malaria, Cancer and HIV
- Engineers just smashed Wireless Speeds of 6 Gbps in the real world
- Robot Monk helps spread Buddhism in China
- Introducing the Jetovator : A Revolutionary new Water Sports Gadget
- Future Gadget : SpeedForce Fully Integrated Cycling Computer
- An Introduction to an amazing Future Transportation Concept called the Straddling Bus
- Introducing Google’s Tilt Brush an amazing New Innovative Technology for Artists
- Google & Levi’s team up to Develop Smart Wearabletech
- This is how cities of the Future will get their Energy
- This Russian app lets you take photos of strangers and identify them online
- This hypersonic Jet Engine just passed a Crucial test in the Australian desert
- New Gadget that Fits in your Ear & Translates Foreign Languages in Real-time
- Google Patents ‘sticky’ layer to protect pedestrians in self-driving Car accidents
- Google unveils Smart Speaker Google Home
- This floating UFO home lets you live off-grid on the ocean
- 2020 NASA’s Future Technology
- These 4 Major Paradigm Shifts will Transform the Future of Technology
- New ‘Spintronics’ Technology is set to offer a huge leap forward in data storage
- Physicists just discovered a totally new form of Light
- This autonomous ‘Cyber Garden’ rolls around to keep its Plants alive
- Physicists just smashed quasiparticles together for the first time
- Watch the first full-scale demonstration of Hyperloop Technology
- Five new Technological Inventions that will Blow your Pants off
- This amphibious Motorcycle can turn into a Jet Ski with a Touch of a Button
- Scientists have created Polymer ‘Skin’ and everyone wants to use it to hide their wrinkles
- NASA just released 56 patented Space and Rocket Technologies to the public
- This New surgical Robot just outperformed Human Surgeons
- Scientists have unveiled the world’s First Holographic flexible Smartphone
- European Space Agency Teases Tesla of the Sky: A Flying Electric Vehicle by 2018
- New ‘Smart Threads’ can change the colour of your Clothes instantly
- Facebook’s Jaw-Dropping Social VR Demo Really is the Future
- Soon it will be possible charge your Smartphone with just the Power of a Plant
- Sony has filed a patent for Contact Lenses that Record and Store Videos with the Blink of an Eye
- China Successfully Tested a New Hypersonic Missile
- Pneumatic Tubes : Transportation of the Past… and Future?
- Future Technology Predictions – Earth in the Future (Documentary)
- This huge Solar Panel barge could be the Future of Ocean-based Renewable Energy
- SpaceX Plans to Send Spacecraft to Mars in 2018
- Researchers have accidentally made Batteries that could last 400 times longer
- Top 5 New Best Future Technology VR Headsets & Inventions in 2016
- Amazing Story of how Bionic Technology Restored this Man’s Sense of Touch
- Top 5 Best New Future Technologies & Smart things coming in 2016
- The Sound of your Skull could soon replace your Password – seriously
- NASA just announced it’s building an Electric Propulsion System to take us into deep Space
- Magic Leap has a new demo Video for its jaw-dropping Augmented Reality system
- This Virtual Reality Headset Lets you Control other Devices with just your Eyes
- Vincent van Bot the Robots turning their Hand to Art
- Google is working on beaming High-speed wireless Internet into your Home
- Elon Musk’s Hyperloop : A Transportation Concept of the Future competition comes to Texas
- The Future of Digital Advertising : Ads that look Back
- This Ultra-thin ‘Electronic Skin’ turns your body into an LED screen
- New Technology could lead to cheaper Smart Windows
- President Obama on the Future of Thought-Controlled Technology
- Go Inside the World’s First $1 Million Drone Race
- World-first device lets Paralysed man move his hand with his mind
- The Next Generation of Super-Armour is here
- The world’s first 3D-Printed Drug has just been unveiled
- Faster forward : Imagining the Future Car of 2050
- The Future of Technology is Hiding on the Ocean Floor
- Japan is designing an Invisible Train to hit the tracks by 2018
- 5 Futuristic Camping Gear Innovations
- `Foldable’ Samsung Phone coming in 2017, report says
- Facebook just Launched AI-Powered Technology that reads Photos to the Blind
- New Apple Technology will remove Swear Words from Songs
- Fembot is Modelled on Hollywood Movie Star
- Tomorrow’s Buildings : Six things for the Office of the Future?
- Elon Musk just drove Tesla, Technology into the Future
- Bionic Heart Patch to mend a Broken Heart
- Thermoelectric IKEA furniture could charge your Phone with Heat from your Coffee
- New Technologies that Prove we are in the Future 2016
- 5 Futuristic Technology Inventions Available Now
- New DNA Data Storage could last Thousands of Years
- Here is the Future of Farming with Japans Future Farms
- Here are 10 amazing new Smart Drone Technologies available in 2016
- Drones revolutionize Ecological Monitoring
- For real, Outdoors : SCAMP Robot can Fly, Perch, Climb
- Nike puts Future Technology into your Shoes
- 5 Amazing Futuristic Tech Inventions available today
- Top 5 Latest Future Technology Gadgets and Things coming in 2016
- Top 5 New Best Future Technology inventions you never knew existed 2016
- What can we expect from Technology in the Future?
- Glowing Octopus Skin for Robots can spell Future of Wearable Technology, Advertisement and More
- Future Technology will allow a Robot for All
- NASA tests Crucial Heat Shield Technology for Future Mars Mission
- The Bright Future of Virtual Reality
- Engineers Develop flexible Skin that traps Radar Waves, Cloaks Objects
- BMW Driving toward Future of Autonomous Cars
- Empiric launches Future Tech Girls
- Could a Laser Weapon save Earth from killer Asteroids?
- New Glasses project Images directly onto Retina with a Mini-laser
- The Internet by Light promises to leave Wi-Fi eating dust
- Reaching Mars in a few days? It’s possible, NASA video says
- How the Science of Swarms can help us Fight Cancer & Predict the Future
- Augmented Reality looks to Future where Screens vanish
- Digital Vein Viewer : The Best Vein finding Technology Gadget
- Five Ingenious Ways that we have actually tried to get into Space
- Future Technology : Invisible Tank, Real Iron Man Combat Suit and Floating Cities
- CES 2016 : The five Coolest Gadgets on show in Las Vegas
- A sneak Peek at the Best Future Cars showcased at CES 2016
- Top New Technology Inventions in 2016 that will Blow your Mind
- 4 Futuristic Gaming Technologies that will probably Blow your Mind
- 5 New Technology Inventions you probably didn’t know Exist
- Here are the Top 5 Robots inventions you must have in 2016
- Robots can now Feel Textures the Way Humans Do
- 15 Futuristic Technologies that actually Exist today
- Human-Like Robot ‘Nadine’ Who Has a ‘Personality, Mood and Emotions’ Unveiled
- Here are the Latest Inventions & Future Technologies for the 21st Century
- Cutting-edge Robotic ‘Turtle’ to explore Shipwrecks
- 6 Advanced Bike Conceptions That Ramp It Up On The Technological Level
- 10 Fascinating Applications of Futuristic Technology that will Boggle Your Mind
- Robobees could help with Disaster Management in the Future
- Why Bioelectronics will Revolutionise our Future
- Students Built this incredible Personal Flying Machine
- NASA shows off their Humanoid Robot that they want to send to Mars
- The New Tallest Building will be 1 Kilometer High
- US Military Secret Weapons Technology
- Future Robots : Advanced Robotics can change Human Future
- This Samurai Robot wants to Help Humans Instead of Slice them Up
- 3D-Printed Pills could be the Future of Medicine
- World’s Sexiest Robot Geminoid F unveiled at World Robot Exhibition
- Futuristic Car Showrooms could use Augmented Reality
- Scientists create Glass as Strong as Steel & Iron
- Are Lasers the Weapons of the Future?
- The World’s First Electric Satellite in Orbit
- 5 Futuristic Motorcycles Available Now!
- The Future of Sport
- 5 Futuristic Methods of Transport
- 5 Amazing Futuristic Wearable Tech Inventions
- Dell World: Future Technology on Display
- Rise of Future Technology Artificial Intelligence New 2015
- Intelligent Dressing Glows when Wounds are Infected
- 10 Futuristic Smartphone Features that will appear Soon
- 10 Incredible Inventions which could Change the Future of the Planet
- World’s first Robot Farm to open in 2017
- The OpenROV Trident: an underwater drone as fast as Michael Phelps
- How Technology is helping to Drive the exploration of Mars
- Tractor Beam Technology: UK Scientists use Sound Waves to Levitate and move Objects
- ‘Spring-mass’ Technology heralds the Future of Walking Robots
- Forget Humans vs. Machines: It’s a Humans + Machines Future
- Future Technology Secrets – Science Technology Documentary 2015
- 10 Futuristic Technology Products that Exist now
- Future Cars – How Technology has Changed Automobiles
- Top 5 New Future Smart Bike Technologies
- 10 Ambitious Megastructures of the Future
- Here are the Top 5 Virtual Reality Gadgets of the Future
- Amazing Future Tech you don’t know Existed
- Autonomous will make Driving Illegal
- Amelia virtual assistant brings AI close to ‘near human cognitive capabilities’
- AI Machine has same IQ as 4-year-old child
- Dubai launches amazing Museum of the Future
- Hands-on with the Futuristic ‘Wove’ Band
- 5 of the latest Amazing Futuristic Tech Inventions
- 7 amazing Futuristic Technologies available Now
- US Military Builds Top Secret Killer Terminator Robots
- Next Future Smart Energy will Blow Your Mind
- Future Wearable Nanotechnology Gadgets 2016
- The Future of Medical Technology
- Future World 2050 – A Day In The Future
- The Amazing future of Television Technology
- Amazing Future Technologies that will Change our World
- NASA 2015 Secret High Tech Technology
- 9 Future Technology Gadgets Available Now
- Watch: SpaceX offers first glimpse inside its futuristic 7-passenger Spacecraft
- Mayday: The Future of Autonomous Drone Safety ( Video )
- Top 5 Tech Gadgets of The Future
- Top Futuristic Smartphones you will wish to Own
- Future Technology Secrets
- 2020 NASA’s Future Technology
- Future Humanoid Robots that will Blow your Mind 2015
- Top 5 New Future Technology Smart Gadgets
- The Operating Room of the Future
- Top 5 Virtual Reality Gadgets of the Future
- Space Robots Using NASA’s Gecko-Inspired Technology could become Reality
- Amazing Future Technology and the Future World
- Amazing New Space Elevator brings Science Fiction One Step Closer to Reality
- 10 Futuristic Transportation Technologies we could see Soon
- Scientists Develop Robots that can Evolve
- Walkcar – World’s Smallest Electric Car
- Are you ready to move into a Floating City?
- New Innovative Technology that could prevent Hot Car Deaths
- Next Generation SUV Future Cars Model Technology which will Blow Your Mind
- Top 10 Future Cities
- Tesla Motors: The Future of Electric Cars
- Top 10 Futuristic Military Weapons
- Magnetic hovering houses the Future of Earthquake proof homes!
- Amazing new Super High Technology from NASA
- The Future of Smartphones!
- Cool Futuristic Inventions Available Now
- 10 Futuristic Inventions that will Supercharge your Journey ( Video )
- Future Spaceship Power & Propulsion
- Top 3 Smartphones of the Future 2016
- The Future of Augmented Reality
- Best Energy-Efficient Cars of the Future
- Top 10 Future Wearable Nanotechnology Gadgets
- Top 10 Futuristic Technologies in the Classroom
- 7 amazing Futuristic Transportation Technologies
- 10 amazing Future Home Technologies
- Future Technology & Land Rover Discovery Vision Concept
- Future Technology of Robots and Self-Driving Cars
- Nano Technology Future of Technology
- The Future of Health Care Technology
- Future Technology Secrets
- Next Future Wearable Technology Will Blow Your Mind
- Google Project Soli Demo on Future Technology
- Top 10 Coolest Concept Motorbikes for Future!!!
- Leading Futurist: The Robot War Is Coming
- The Smart Home of the Future – Amazing Futuristic concept
- NASA Unveils Incredible Design for Warp Drive Spacecraft
- Future Spaceship Power & Propulsion
- The Best Futuristic Trucks
- Top 12 Best Concept Cars For The Future
- New Invention : The Human-Powered Hydrofoil
- Amazing Future Aircraft Technology
- Amazing Future Free Energy
- Mercedes Benz Future Technology
- The Future of Gaming
- A Future with Underwater Cities
- Future of Space Travel
- Future Super-Jets
- 15 Futuristic Technologies you’ll see in your Lifetime
- Future Transportation Technology
- Back to the Future 1989 compared to the Technology of Today
- Reasons why Artificial Intelligence is not something to Fear
- Top 5 Future Technology Inventions
- 10 Future Technologies That Will Change The World
- What is the Future of Robotics?